Envolvente Organico | Organic Wrap
Service Description
Beat the blues with our mood-enhancing and luxurious Avocado Organic wrap. The body is brushed with warm oil to encourage circulation followed by a full body massage with natural avocado. The multi vitamin based oil and a layer of oxygen is massaged over the skin to rejuvenate, lift and hydrate. After a full 90 minutes of pure relaxation the avocado is removed to reveal lusciously silky, smooth and brighter skin all over. ------------------------------------------------------ El Aguacate es hidratante y promueve el bienestar. El cuerpo se cepilla con aceite tibio para estimular la circulación, seguido de un masaje de cuerpo completo con aguacate natural. El aceite multivitamínico y una capa de oxígeno se masajean sobre la piel para rejuvenecer, levantar e hidratar. Después de 90 minutos de relajación pura, el aguacate se quita para revelar una piel sedosa, suave y brillante por todas partes. This wrap helps to eliminate toxins from your body. The paste is applied to the body warm, causing you to sweat. During the avocado process, your body is eliminating impurities. These are then brought to the surface of the skin and rinsed away when the wrap is washed off.
Contact Details
Day Spa, Timón, Marina Vallarta, Puerto Vallarta, Jal., México